
Below is a list of Andrew's current and past appearances.
Where possible, clickable links provide additional information.

California Association for Marriage and Family Therapists
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
Friday May 3, 2024, 1:45-3:15pm
Los Angeles, CA

Rocky Mountain Symposium on Addictive Disorders
Restoring the Wisdom of the Nervous System through Brainspotting, Trauma Healing and Emotional Resilience
Saturday August 17, 2024, 3:30-5pm
Denver, CO

California Society for Clinical Social Work
Restoring the Wisdom of the Nervous System through Brainspotting, Trauma Healing and Emotional Resilience
Thursday, Sept. 19th 2024, 6:30PM-8:30PM (PST)

Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection (keynote)
Restoring the Wisdom of the Nervous System through Brainspotting, Attachment and Addiction Recovery (workshop)
October 21-23, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland -

Sante Institute for Professional Education and Research
Restoring the Wisdom of the Nervous System thru Brainspotting
Friday, November 15th, 2024, 10am (PST)

For more details about these presentations,
please contact Andrew directly.


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