Stand tall
Reach for the sky
Be patient through the dry spell
Conserve your resources
Think long-term
Wait for your time to bloom
Stay sharp
As we enter 2017, a landscape of uncertainty and unpredictability lies before us. I'm not sure how this cactus came upon so much wisdom, but it rings true for me, and especially right now. The good news is that in spite of the upcoming challenges, we always have each other and the love and respect we share among us. As the New Year unfolds, I encourage you to listen to the advice of the saguaro cactus as we move forward into unknown territory.
Upcoming Presentations
In the next few months I'll be giving several presentations and workshops focusing on group therapy, somatic psychology and addiction recovery. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see some of you at one of these upcoming events.
Principles of Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychotherapy Association of Los Angeles. Saturday and Sunday, January 21-22, 2017, Venice, CA.
Healing Trauma through the Wisdom of the Nervous System. California Society for Clinical Social Work. Sunday, February 12, 2017, Sherman Oaks.
The Intersection of Positive Psychology and Second-Stage Recovery. American Group Psychotherapy Association, Saturday March 11, 2017, New York City.
From Now On: Seven Keys to Purposeful Recovery. The Camden Center of Los Angeles. Saturday, February 25, 2017.
Brainspotting: Where You Look Affects How You Feel. Men's Association for Addiction Treatment. Friday, April 28, 2017, Westlake Village, CA.
Group Gratitude
This past October Maria Gray, LMFT, NMP and I co-facilitated a two-day "group institute," and all of us involved, both group leaders and group members, had a very rich clinical experience. After twelve hours of group therapy, we learned about new parts of ourselves while helping others learn more about themselves, a hallmark of a very satisfying, meaningful group experience.
For a detailed listing of the current groups and workshops being offered in our Overland Suite, please click here.
Men's Process Group Opening
- Current group composition: 6 men.
- Weekly interpersonal, process group meets Wednesdays 7-8:30pm.
- Group has been meeting 12+ years in my West L.A. office.
- Intended for those with individual therapy experience under their belt.
- Concurrent individual and group therapy recommended (not required).
Group Psychotherapy Association
of Los Angeles Annual 2-Day Conference: Friday May 19 - Saturday May 20
The GPALA Spring Conference is one of the highlights of the group therapy training calendar, and this event will feature Katie Griffin, MA, CGP, FAGPA, a super-talented group therapist from Austin.
If you prefer not to receive future newsletters, simply unsubscribe below. I wish you peace and perseverance in 2017.
In This Issue:
Andrew's Presentations
- Group Gratitude
- Men's Group Opening
- GPALA Spring Conference
Order Andrew’s Workbook:
From Now On:
Seven Keys to Purposeful Recovery
Andrew Susskind —
Andrew Susskind, MSW, SEP, CGP is
a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Certified Group Psychotherapist
and Life Transition Coach who brings more than 25 years of experience to his work.
Andrew Oldershaw, M.A.
Adam M. Berg, M.A.
Victoria Anderson, M.A.
Andrew’s website for a comprehensive list of resources in the Los Angeles
and Southern California area.
Click here . . .
Read more about Andrew’s
Read more about Somatic Experiencing
Read More about Brainspotting
Read more about Andrew’s coaching
View Andrew’s therapy video
12-Step Self-Help Groups
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