“A good listener helps us overhear ourselves.” Welcome to the Spring edition of Westside Notes. Relying emotionally on others requires vulnerability, and vulnerability is the pathway to intimacy and deeper connection. As part of the human species, we're biologically-wired for connection which challenges us to be more emotionally-transparent, ask for help when we need it, and work toward interdependence with trusted loved ones. In this newsletter, my new intern, Maria Gray discusses how "busyness" is the latest drug of choice. One of our greatest growth opportunities is to be mindful of this tendency and to make conscious choices to slow down and take the time to connect more deeply to ourselves and others.
Introducing My New Associate: Maria Gray, M.A., M.Ed., is a Marriage and Family Therapist Intern providing psychotherapy to individuals, couples and groups. Maria combines a relational style with mindfulness and cognitive- behavioral techniques, and her meditation and yoga practice informs her work. Click here for more details.
Making Time for the Psyche: In our busy world we rush from one thing to the next. It seems like "busy" has become the latest "drug of choice." We are plugged into our phones and computers, responding immediately to texts, calls and emails. Click here for full article.
The Bridge to Recovery In March we launched the weekend intensive workshop up at The Bridge to Recovery, Santa Barbara, and in May we will be hosting our next workshop. We've chosen to repeat the topic due to popular demand but will be following-up the rest of the year with additional themes to build on this workshop topic. In addition to Rawly Glass, LCSW leading the weekend, my interns, Eddie and Annabel took a leading role in the weekend which was a meaningful and bonding experience for all. There was a mix of professionals and non-professionals, and the experiential weekend provided 9 participants with an opportunity to focus on external dependency (i.e. disconnection from self). If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact me or call the Bridge intake team directly. Click here for the workshop flyer.
Group Therapy Trainings in Review February was a super busy month in my group therapy learning curve. I felt privileged to be part of the faculty for the 2-day GPALA course entitled "Principles of Group Psychotherapy." Not only is the course a prerequisite to become a Certified Group Psychotherapist, but it's also a valuable training for group therapists of all levels and I very much enjoyed the opportunity to be included in a group of very seasoned therapists. I also had the good fortune to attend the American Group Psychotherapy Association (www.agpa.org) 2013 Annual Meeting entitled "Overcoming Obstacles: The Power of the Group" in New Orleans. As always, it was a really rejuvenating and stimulating week for me, and getting to know New Orleans was a wonderful bonus with its terrific food, music, architecture and super-friendly locals.
Exceptional Westside Psychotherapy Suite: Part-time Space Available Currently, I have office space available in my professional home located on Overland just south of Pico. For more details, click here.
Current Group Openings Men’s Psychotherapy Group Warmly, |
2013 In This Issue:
About Andrew Susskind —
Community Resources Visit Andrew’s website for a comprehensive list of resources in the Los Angeles and Southern California area. Click here . . . Instant
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2550 Overland Avenue · Suite 100 · Los Angeles, CA 90064 · 310.281.8681 |
andrew@andrewsusskind.com · andrew@westsidetherapist.com |