Westside Therapist is a group psychologists (psychotherapists) providing psychotherapy counseling. We are also a psychotherapy resource for adults and teens living in the Santa Monica area. We service the greater LA area with the majority of our clients from West Santa Monica, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and other area of Southern California. We can help with addiction and recovery, depression, anxiety and relationship issues. In the Santa Monica area, finding the right psychotherapist (psychologist) can make all the difference.


About SexEnding compulsive sexual behavior is just the beginning. Drawing on personal and professional experience, psychotherapist Andrew Susskind examines issues such as shame, grief, narcissism, and co-dependency to demonstrate how people use out-of-control sexual behavior to cope with broken-heartedness. He offers strategies to cultivate sustainable sexual sobriety, sharing his own healing narrative, as well as those of others who’ve chosen to bear their truths. No one is ever too hurt or isolated to achieve reliable relationships and emotional intimacy. This is a guidebook for every person seeking long-term healing from out-of-control sexual behavior.

From Now OnRecovery from addiction is not a cookie-cutter process. Every addict experiences addiction differently, and every addict has a unique path of recovery. This workbook will complement your existing approaches to recovery whether they are 12-step programs, treatment centers, psychotherapy, and/or coaching.

Purposeful recovery is a hybrid term to describe another dimension of addiction recovery which isn't always emphasized in the traditional places where one receives support. By using a strengths-based approach derived from both coaching and positive psychology, you ll have the opportunity to revitalize dormant aspects of yourself. As a result, the possibilities of adding deeper meaning and clearer direction to your recovery will expand and become more and more evident to you.

The exercises in this book will help you stretch beyond your comfort zone as you move into the next chapter of recovery. Thinking bigger than ever before will reveal limitless possibilities as you create purpose and direction.


Press Release: Central Recover Press, June 11, 2019

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