“Who is wise? One who learns from all.” Welcome to the spring edition of Westside Notes. Once again winter has transitioned into spring and with it comes longer days, buds on the trees and of course allergies for those of us who happen to be sensitive this time of year. Maybe this is nature reminding us of the trade-offs of being human. After recently spending a weekend in Philadelphia, I’ve become increasingly aware of the distinctions between the East Coast spring and the Southern California spring. Back east in the Delaware Valley (as it’s called), there are dogwoods in bloom, humidity in the air and thundershowers often in the forecast. In L.A. we have aromatic jasmine, May Gray, and the beginning of many months without precipitation. A part of my heart still lives on the east coast but my home has been in L.A. for 24 years, and I feel so fortunate to have learned from it all.
Open House Gratitude On Sunday April 22nd we hosted a bagel brunch Open House here in our Overland Suite, and I just wanted to thank everyone who stopped by to visit with us. In the fall of 2008 we moved into our customized suite, and it’s evolved into an exceptionally comfortable professional home for all of us who share the space. If you were unable to make it to the event but would like to stop by at another time, please let me know and I’d be happy to schedule a visit with you.
Save the Date: July 13-15, 2012 As some of you know, I’ve recently been collaborating with The Bridge to Recovery (www.thebridgetorecovery.com) and will be co-facilitating a series of weekend intensives with an emphasis on codependency and family systems. We are planning to launch the series July 13th up at the Santa Barbara location, and Rawland (“Rawly”) Glass, LCSW, the clinical director of their Bowling Green, Kentucky program will be leading the weekend with me. We’re very excited to be launching this vital series that will be a valuable ongoing resource for clients and eventually professionals as well. Once we finalize the announcement, I’ll send it out to you, and in the meantime, please contact me with any questions.
Conference in Review: In early March I attended AGPA in New York City and was asked by our local group therapy organization to share some highlights of my experience:
Conference in Review: On Friday April 27th and Saturday April 28th GPALA hosted its annual conference entitled Emotional Availability in Group: Expanding the Capacity for Intimacy in Group Members and Leaders. The conference was very well-received and was facilitated by Jeffrey Hudson, M.Ed., LPC, CGP, FAGPA. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Jeff these past few years, and he is not only one of the national leaders in the group therapy field, but he’s also a clinician who truly walks the walk. I left the highly-experiential conference with more to process and metabolize which is always a sign of a very productive clinical and personal experience.
Current Group Openings Men’s Psychotherapy Group
Warmly, |
Spring 2012
In This Issue:
About Andrew Susskind
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2550 Overland Avenue · Suite 100 · Los Angeles, CA 90064 · 310.281.8681 |
andrew@andrewsusskind.com · andrew@westsidetherapist.com |